Retour Research - Agitated children, turbulent trajectories

“Le TDA/H, un diagnostic qui agite les familles. Les quêtes diagnostiques autour d’enfants agités, entre rupture et continuité”

This article (translated as ADHD, a diagnosis that agitates families. Diagnostic quests around agitated children, between rupture and continuity) is published in Anthropologie & Santé (17 / 2018), and “focuses on the links between health problems and social trajectories. Through the example of children diagnosed with ADHD, it analyses the diagnostic quests surrounding them, that is, the search for meaning and solutions that youth and relatives conduct to face their difficulties. This quest can take various directions, since it unfolds according to past social characteristics and trajectories (gender, social environment, family configuration, etc.), but also according to current issues that require daily organization and decisions for the future (school, education, treatment, etc.). Based on 45 interviews conducted with children and/or members of their family and friends, this article highlights the factors that determine the variations in these particularly long and complex diagnostic quests, and which clarify the mechanisms to deal with many health problems.”

Aude Béliard, Jean-Sébastien Eideliman, Maïa Fansten, Álvaro Jiménez-Molina, Sarra Mougel et Maëlle Planche, « Le TDA/H, un diagnostic qui agite les familles. Les quêtes diagnostiques autour d’enfants agités, entre rupture et continuité », Anthropologie & Santé 17 | 2018