Retour Seminar (EHESS, Paris) - About welfare
Welfare organizations: practices, experiences and policies of social, health and medico-social institutions – programme 2018-2019
About welfare: practices, experiences and policies in the social and health institutions
EHESS, salle 2, 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris
Organizers : Nicolas Henckes, chargé de recherche au CNRS (CERMES3) ; Livia Velpry, maîtresse de conférences à l’Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (CERMES3) ; Myriam Winance, chargée de recherche à l’INSERM (CERMES3)
Coordinated by Cermes3, Arènes (EHESP) and Handéo. Financing Iresp and CNSA, 2019-2020.
Contact : myriam.winance(at)
We are interested in the transformations of social and health institutions, and in the way in which, in Europe, housing and care institutions have given place to new work organisations for helping or taking care of people. We reflect on welfare categories, the definition of professional practices, and individuals experiences. In France, we are particularly concerned about the future of the medico-social sector, instituted as a sector in itself beside health, social and educational sectors, whose situation we aim to contrast with other European countries – in particular the Scandinavian countries which very quickly committed themselves to a so-called policy of people inclusion, or even Great Britain which promotes a policy of inclusion while keeping its institutions. Between the approaches in terms of access to rights and social justice of political science and the more recent attempt to integrate the analysis of care practices with that of the social state within the framework of “social care” approaches, this seminar intends to provide a renewed framework for the analysis of long-term care.
This seminar is part of a project whose aim is to initiate and build a research network, which is a space for thought across categories (disability, old age, mental health, and chronic disease, which is problematic in some countries), disciplines of social and human sciences, actors (academic researchers, researcher-actors, professionals, administrations) and finally different national contexts – focusing first on Europe.
Provisional program
- November 7, Nicolas Henckes (CNRS, CERMES3), Organiser le welfare : quelques propositions généalogiques et analytiques
- November 21, Myriam Winance (INSERM, CERMES3) and Louis Bertrand, Handicaps rares et polyhandicap, des catégories qui travaillent le secteur médico-social
- December 5, Nicolas Henckes (CNRS, CERMES3), Entre loger et soigner: composer les interventions médico-sociales dans le logement accompagné
- December 19, Noémie Rapegno (EHESP), Secteur médico-social et politiques inclusives : vers une transformation des institutions ? L’exemple des établissements « hors les murs » et des habitats « inclusifs »
- January 16, 2019, Godefroy Lansade (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier3), La politique publique d’inclusion scolaire vue “d’en bas” : ethnographie d’une Unité localisée pour l’inclusion scolaire à destination d’adolescents et jeunes adultes désignés handicapés mentaux
- January 30, Iris Loffeier (HESAV, Institute of Health Research) et Célia Poulet (HESAV), Réformer les établissements pour personnes âgées par la formation continue : les EHPAD à l’interface entre politiques sanitaires, sociales, éducatives et d’emploi
- February 20, Karin Schwiter (Department of Geography, University of Zurich), Can circular migration solve the care crisis? An analysis of the transnational live-in elder care arrangements in the German speaking countries
- March 6, Andrew Power (Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group, University of Southampton), Self building social care in times of austerity: reclaiming spaces in a new learning disability landscape
- March 20, Livia Velpry (CERMES3) and Jean-Yves Barreyre, Des situations complexes aux comportements-problèmes, l’émergence de catégories d’action publique entre sanitaire et médico-social
- April, 3, Camille Gasnier (CERMES3) Cyril Desjeux (HANDEO) Magali Robelet (Université Lyon 2, Centre Max Weber), Des modalités de régulation et de contrôle du secteur médico-social, acteurs privés et rôle de l’État
- May 14, 4-hour session, Claude Martin (CNRS), Alis Sopadzhiyan (EHESP), Blanche Le Bihan (EHESP), Retour sur les approches du “social care”