sarra mougel

Assistant professor in educational sciences

Paris Descartes University / Cerlis


Sarra Mougel has been working for twenty years on the hospitalization of children and disease impact (acute, severe, chronic, psychological…) on children and families social trajectories. She analyzed the history and outcome of parents’ entry into paediatric services and the way they fit into care work division around their sick child. She is interested in professional/parent relationship, studying the parenting framework from its specific encounter with care world.

This strong interest for sociology of childhood, family and health has led her to participate in a collective work on hyperactivity and agitation in children (SAGE project, “Les sens de l’agitation chez l’enfant. Parcours individuels, dynamiques familiales, pratiques professionnelles“, directed by Aude Beliard (IRESP funding, Pfizer Foundation), the consequences for children born with rare eye defects on their family, social and medical trajectories (OEILRAR Project, with Aude Béliard). She is currently focusing her ethnographic research on home pediatric hospitalization. She also participates in a collective research project PrevER (Prévention: Expériences et Représentations) on contemporary ways for “ordinary” people to deal with their health, under the direction of Géraldine Bloy (USPC funding “La Personne en médecine”).
